30 July 2023 marked 30 days since our two graduates, Nodin and Zibuyile, joined the Bokang family. We all know starting a new job may be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Everything and everyone is new, and you are probably asking yourself many questions, like, what will my co-workers be like, what is the company culture like or even will what I’ve studied be relevant in my new journey?
We sat down with Nodin and Zibuyile to find out how their first 30 days went and whether they still had many questions running through their minds as the days unfolded.

Nodin’s story
“My first 30 days at Bokang were exciting and overwhelming. Although I was looking forward to my first day, I did not know what to expect. l found it easy to adapt because of the warm welcome from the team “. Before taking the brave leap to join the Bokang Graduate Trainee Programme, Nodin was an Auxilary Nurse for 8 years. She said that, based on her experience, her first day was a breeze. “The days that followed my first day made me realise that I am ready to leave nursing behind and be an investigator South Africa needs,” she said.

Zibuyile’s story
“My mind was filled with many questions I could only answer. So far, this opportunity has made me realise that I should believe in myself more. One of the most significant aspects of the job that excites me is data analysis, which requires paying attention to detail. I look forward to growing and becoming a good investigator one day.”
About our graduate trainee programme
Our graduate programme is like no other. Our programme is 15 months long, starting with three months for the trainees to prove themselves before beginning the 12 months of training as trainee investigators.
If you would like to join our graduate trainee program for 2024, keep checking our website and LinkedIn page for more information.